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মানবতা এবং সুন্দর ভবিষ্যত এর আশাবাদী একজন

মুরশীদ › বিস্তারিত পোস্টঃ

Blogging as I see it রিপোষ্ট

০৪ ঠা এপ্রিল, ২০১৩ সকাল ৮:৪৩

Apology for not being able to type in bangla

Blog is the contemporary media where everybody has access and can write or show whatever they like. Its inbuilt moderating system tries to ensure ethics of public sharing of information, comments and views. This is a friendly medium to write and express, indeed a great development. This gave my wife a new life; she started writing travel accounts, poems, short stories etc. and writes numerous comments encouraging other blogger writers, consciously maintaining neutrality and respecting others right. By blogging she could overcome her long depressed condition; doing nothing except household works and looking after our kid. She enjoys and feels great when other bloggers comment on her blogs all the positive things. She feels proud introducing herself as a blogger. Some of her write-ups even published in print media. She no more says “I am a housewife”.

This is indeed a great development in human communication. It helps accomplishing one of the important human needs, which is “every man and women wants to be listened, their creation to be seen by others, and above all, wants appreciation.” Blog is a wonderful platform for that. It gives people the opportunity to express and finally freedom.

But, this freedom does not mean that I can write anything. I must adhere to ethics and human rights, not only mine, but also others. Authority should not obstruct the media for few who violate ethics and abuse freedom of writing, rather should work out ways to control and castigate them.

মন্তব্য ০ টি রেটিং +০/-০

মন্তব্য (০) মন্তব্য লিখুন

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুনঃ

মন্তব্য করতে লগ ইন করুন

আলোচিত ব্লগ

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