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পরিপূর্ণ মনুষ্যত্ব অর্জনের প্রত্যয়ে

শুজা উদ্দিন


শুজা উদ্দিন › বিস্তারিত পোস্টঃ

Anti-Islamism in our fatherland

২৭ শে মে, ২০১৭ সন্ধ্যা ৬:০৪

Secularism, in our country, is a tool for anti-Islamism.
Communality, in our fatherland(!), is always implied upon the Muslim-Right activists.
It's a Muslim country. Islam gives enough scope for (what you mean by) "secularism". But you do not know this because our media are controlled by Anti-Islamists, who are presented as 'liberal', 'modern', 'free minded' etc. And Muslims are (presented) totally opposite to them!!!
When a muslim from Bangladesh says, " Muslims of India are suppressed, tortured and deprived of many human rights". Then He will be a Communal( bcoz our media is under Anti-Islamists).

The same way, When a Hindu from India shouts (as for media highlights it) " Hindus of Bangladesh are suppressed, tortured and deprived of many human rights". He can be awarded for 'human rights activity'!

In our country, minorities are more powerful than us. In my survey, within 400 secretaries 100 are from minority. Most of them are Hindus. In our district, at a stretch 2 superintendent of Police are Hindus along with DC. The only sector remaining out of the Hindus, is the Military sector. Every office is now dominated by Hindus. Still they demand more power in the administration.
If you think yourself a Free Thinker, then compare the percentage of population and emplyment both in our country and in India.

মন্তব্য ০ টি রেটিং +০/-০

মন্তব্য (০) মন্তব্য লিখুন

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুনঃ

মন্তব্য করতে লগ ইন করুন

আলোচিত ব্লগ

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