নির্বাচিত পোস্ট | লগইন | রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন | রিফ্রেস


অন্ধদের রাজ্যতে এক চোখা মানুষটি রাজা এবং আমি সেই রাজা।

দানবিক রাক্ষস

অন্ধদের রাজ্যতে এক চোখা মানুষটি রাজা এবং আমি সেই রাজা।

দানবিক রাক্ষস › বিস্তারিত পোস্টঃ

Unseen Heaven !

০৪ ঠা মার্চ, ২০২৫ সকাল ৯:১৯

Date: Jan-2025
Life will go like this and one day suddenly you will offer me to take a coffee outside,
Just before sunset, we are taking coffee somewhere in Dhaka and then with Joy you will tell me… you know I got the scholarship and within next three month I will leave BD …
I will be amazed then to see the most beautiful thing in the universe and the 8th wonder of world that is your smile…
I will be very happy with the news as well as I will find a soft pain somewhere in my heart !
However, the coffee is still hot and we will decide how to take the preparation as well as other things to make your future life easy.
With a blink of eye, three month will be gone and I will find you airport and I will show you TATA …
I know, tear will come both of our eyes but we will hide it.
Days will pass… you will face new things… life will be bit difficult as you are new …. And slowly our communication will be very less … though time zone will be main reason because when you will be free to talk then I will sleep and when I will be free then you will be busy then.
However, this is how life it is and we both know.

Date: Somewhere in time (2035 – 2040)
One day… I will get a message written “Hi” in my whatsapp / Fb Messenger !
I will be shocked to see the Message and suddenly I will start to imagine …
> Am I in Heaven ?
> White Angels are marching toward me to take my soul to my Goddess !
> I bow down my head towards my goddess and ask for mercy saying that “I am sorry my dear goddess, may be I did some mistake for which you left me alone”
> I just saw the most beautiful smile and my imagination stop here.

And I will take my phone and will reply you
“ Oh my dear goddess, Mercy me. I worship you everyday and I know I’m a sinner that’s why you disappeared but I had faith on my worship that my goddess will remember me… ”
This is how the conversation will start and you will try to describe you tried to contact but couldn’t and I will tell you “I know… no need explanation” and then you will be angry and you will say “how do you know everything ! you know nothing, I will say now everything and you will listen everything silently”
I will smile then I will say , I am listening my dear goddess.
Then you will start to say … you have found you love and he is from somewhere in Europe but you both live in USA and you have two kids and both of them are grown now and you are the boss of a multinational company.
Then you will ask me about my life !
I will tell you… no changes in me. Same as before and in my family I have a daughter but she is not my biological daughter … after settlement in Abroad then one day I went to Sremangal and adopt a little girl and I call her “Mukta, the princess” And I am still in garment job … marketing head of a small company.
And the conversation starts …..

Few month later, I will fix a meeting schedule with buyer. The meeting place will very near by to your USA Residence.
You will be very excited when you will know about the meeting schedule and we both will be very excited to meet each other after so many years later.
Finally, the day will come, I will land in USA.
After finishing all of my work… we will meet in a coffee shop….
Middle of discussion, I will request you to visit Canada with me where we will see “Niagara Falls” and “Horseshoe Falls” together …
You will be wondered and you will smile and agree to visit ….
Then we will visit Canada and we will return following day.
After returning to USA, in next day afternoon we will sit together in a Park where we will discuss about many many things ….
Suddenly I will notice, there is a woman who is staring at me !
She will come to me and are you Zahan ? and I will reply Yes, I’m.
She will say… this is Liva … do you remember me ?
Then I will put my hand in my pocket and touch the Magical Time Stone and time will be rewind …
So we will come back to the time where we were watching the most beautiful waterfall which I have seen in your hair…
In the dawn, we will walk besides the Lake then we will be wondered to see a strange man sitting beside the lake wearing Red dress !
We will feel interesting and we will walk closer to the man and we will find he is hunting fish in the Lake water and we will realize he is the “Santa Claus” then I will ask “what the hell are you doing man here”
He will reply, he will hunting fish and he will sell these fish to the magical market and he will save the money for next charisma’s Gift !
This is how we will realize again… Nothing is Free in this world and to be a good person, you need money !
However, we will move forward saying him good Bye…
We will take breakfast in a lake view restaurant and then I will show you two ticket for a concert , and yes, it will be for Wacken Open Air, Heavy Metal Music Festival in Germany !
I will then request you to go with me to Germany !
You will deny and will be busy to find lame excuses…
Then I will hold your hand and I will tell you … from Childhood to till now you just run and run … now take a break ! I know you had wish to experience Live Concert and now you will go with me.
You will be silent and you will look to the outside .. to the bluest sky !
And then you will smile and you agreed to go Germany.
Then we will sit in your car and I will drive the car, meanwhile, you take your phone and send a mail to your boss… “ Hi, I need at least 4 week leave, if you don’t allow then consider this mail as my resign letter !”
Then you will call your family and you will tell then you are going to Europe for work.
After a hectic journey, we will finally arrive wacken open air, Germany!
Three day, we will enjoy all the concerts and madness. End of concert… you will say … Damn… it was heavy but good !
During taking dinner, somewhere in Germany !
I will look at your beautiful eyes and I will say to you….
Lets visit Greece, Rome (Italy) and many more.
Lets see together Greek , Roman empire…..
Then we will go to china for seeing Great Wall of China and many more…
Then I will take you Russia to discover many more !
Then I will take you to Norway !
Where we will see the beautiful Aurora and we will take tea there and you will laugh a lot when you will see my dance…
This is how the Journey will come to the end !
You will return to USA and I will be back in BD.
After few weeks later, I will get heart attack and I will be in ICU….
When I will die then a smile will be in my face because i had experience all my dreams alone with my goddess!
When you will know about my death then you will be very sad and you will remember that I told you once “I want you to remember me with Joys !” then you will smile.
However, after few days / hour later I found soul in earth not in hell !
I realize I will have become a Dybbuk !
And then my soul will smile and my soul will travel to USA and I will be beside with my goddess and I will wait eternity for her soul ….

মন্তব্য ১ টি রেটিং +০/-০

মন্তব্য (১) মন্তব্য লিখুন

১| ০৪ ঠা মার্চ, ২০২৫ সকাল ১০:২৫

সৈয়দ মশিউর রহমান বলেছেন: এটা বাংলা ব্লগ এভাবে পান্ডিত্য প্রকাশ করলে কেউ পড়বেনা।

ধন্যবাদ ভালো থাকুন অনিঃশেষ।

আপনার মন্তব্য লিখুনঃ

মন্তব্য করতে লগ ইন করুন

আলোচিত ব্লগ

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©somewhere in net ltd.