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নির্বাচিত পোস্ট | লগইন | রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন | রিফ্রেস |
পৃথিবীর সবচেয়ে বড় দর্শন হল হিসাব বিজ্ঞানের ডেবিট এবং ক্রেডিট । সবসময় যতখানি ডেবিট, ঠিক ততখানিই ক্রেডিট হয় । পরকালের হিসেব যা-ই হোক, এই ইহকালে আমরা ঠিক যেভাবে শূন্য হাতে পৃথিবীতে এসেছি, সেভাবে শূন্য হাতেই পৃথিবী ছেড়ে যাব । এটাই পৃথিবীর আবর্তনিক নিয়ম । অনেকে আমরা এটা বুঝতে ব্যর্থ হই ।আপনি কারো ক্ষতি করবেন তো আজ অথবা কাল আপনার ক্ষতি হবেই হবে । ভালো করলেও তার ফল আপনি জীবদ্দশাতেই পাবেন ।অনেকে দেখবেন রাস্তাঘাটে অযথা হোঁচট খায়, অসুখে ভোগে- এসব এমনি এমনি নয়, হয় এর অতীত, নয়তো ভবিষ্যৎ প্রসারী কোন কারণ আছে । যদি আপনি কারো ক্ষতি না করেন, তবে আমি নিশ্চয়তা দিচ্ছি, আপনার কোন ক্ষতি হবে না । কেউ চেষ্টা করলেও আপনার ক্ষতি করতে পারবে না ।শুদ্ধ থাকুন, শুদ্ধতার শুভ্রতাকে উপভোগ করুন । জীবন সুন্দর হবে ।আমি সবার মতের প্রতিই শ্রদ্ধাশীল।আশা করি আপনিও তাই।সৌজন্যবোধ ও মানবতার জয় হোক !
Is there hardly a man who has got access to internet but doesn't have a facebook account ?
-The answer is certainly "No".
Of all the websites, after google, facebook is the most popular site that we browse everyday.
In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg, an American computer programmar along with his college roommates and some fellow students of The Havard University, founded this social networking website. And by this 10 years facebook has become the world's best community site. People of almost every country are now communicating through it.
In Bangladesh facebook got its massive introduction in 2007. At present almost every educated person have got a facebook account. Besides, it is true that facebook is an addiction to its users. Specially the young students are prone to spend most of their valuable moments at facebook. In earlier times and still children's using facebook is a headache to the guardians. Young students prefer to chat and play games on facebook instead of studying. In the name of entertainment, like the other means, there are some vulgar and intoxicating attempts seen which may lead the youngsters to wrong paths. Facebook matters are begining to get more priority than our real life dealings. Sometimes we even ignore our real-life friends or relatives for those unknown or little known virtual friends! Seemingly, our pastimes and source of recreations are getting confined to only a pc or a little mobile phone.
Other than that, spending times on facebook has got a great threat for the alone and unhappy spouses, particularly the wives. To a wife, a virtual friend might seem to be a good source of romanticism and a happy relief from the agony of her loneliness and the dull feelinged conjugal thread. Thus she may get into the abhorrent relation of adultery. The same thing can happen with the husbands. No doubt this type of affairs can destroy our family bonds and mutual credentiality.
However, this is nothing but an eye opener from me for my readers. And it is never a blasphemy for facebook. Facebook is certainly a good, benevolent means of communication. The problem is in us- the users. Merits and demerits of a thing most of the times depend on the way how we utilize it. I, personally, find facebook a very potential and helpful means of communication. We can keep a regular contact and online correspondance with our friends and relatives wherever they live in the world. We can easily get their photos and make video conversations with them at once. What a great blessing it is! Distance is now no matter, we are always in touch and for the communication it takes a very little expenses.
As a useful source of entertainment facebook is used best in the world. It has become in recent times a good media of publishing news and information. It needs just a few seconds to spread out a message or news to the world people on facebook. By the blessing of this rapid communication, some remarkable social movements had been possible in recent years, the Shahbag movement for the punishment of our liberation war traitors is a good example in this respect. By dint of facebook we the people of Bangladesh have become the first nation in the world to establish another glorious example of donating and collecting blood for the patients from online. It is only in Bangladesh where a large number of facebook users use facebook just to collect blood and call for blood donation. Other helpful tasks are also undertaken by our enthusiastic young generation such as helping affected areas and the people, arranging money for helping the poors, arranging treatment facilities for the poor patients, offering warm clothes among the slum dwellers in winter etc. While someone undertakes such a glorious attempt, it inspires the others, and now there goes a competition of doing such humanitarian jobs among the young generation.
I am boast of such credits of our young people.
Facebook is out and out a good and helpful source for us as a platform for recreation as well as inspiration. Trend of using facebook in Bangladesh is quite different and outstanding from the other nations in the world. The people of the other countries use facebook to express their daily life feelings, ie- someone bought a car, he updates that status, someone is going to a tour, he updates that status and so on. Facebook is to them a platform of expressing their self related feelings. But our people are effectively using this platform to express out their thoughtful and talented opinions regarding every current issue. Our young generation is now pondering over the social and political affairs, views are getting shared and public awareness comes in effectively. Thus it helps much to guide the ruling parties to the right way. The govt. is also now counting the facebook opinions positively. It is really a good hope for us. Moreover, it is another hope that our young creative generation is practising literature on facebook. They write poems, stories, essays and even short....
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