নির্বাচিত পোস্ট | লগইন | রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন | রিফ্রেস |
আমি লেখালিখি করি, মনের মাধুরী মিশিয়ে
What the corrupted people do with the black money?
1. FDR and Cash in bank
2. Purchase lands
3. Purchase cars
4. Purchase and build apartments
5. Send money in foreign banks and through local banks and Hundi
6. Invest in local and international businesses
7. Giving briberies
8. Purchasing daily, monthly general and emergency needs.
Idea: If there is a software or an app where only the assets’ data of a person will be stored and also can be collected through National Database using NID/Passport and can be seen through a BI app.
1. How to collect the information of a FDR and Cash in Bank:
a. Who knows the information on how much money is stored in the banks by a person? Where those data are stored in a bank?
b. When a transaction is made where the date is stored?
c. How the Govt. agencies or the Head of The Govt. can get the information?
2. Who are the stakeholders?
Government agencies
Bangladesh Bank
The asst-holders inwhere the bank invests that money
3. How to collect the information of a Purchased Land:
a. When a person buys a land, what happened?
• A cash is transacted.
• Some documents are written and stored
• The data stored online/offline
• Renewal of documents
• Purchase of land fillers
• Purchase
B. Who are the stakeholders?
Government agencies
Middle men
Real Estate agencies
Soil, Sand, Bricks, Rod, Steel, Tin, Electric, Electronics companies
4. How to collect the information of a Purchased Car:
A. What happened when a new car is bought?
• A cash is transacted
• A document is written and stored
• The data stored online/offline
B. Who are the stakeholders?
Government agencies - BRTC
Bank – Private/Public
Middle men
Car dealer companies
5. How to collect the information of a Purchased/Built Apartment:
A. What happened when an Apartment is bought/Built?
• A cash is transacted
• A document is written and stored
• The data stored online/offline
• Renewal of documents
• Purchase of fuels
• Purchase of accessories
B. Who are the stakeholders?
Government agencies -
Sellers – Importer, Wholesaler, Retailer
Bank – Private/Public
Middle men
Real Estate companies
Fuel companies
Accessories Companies
Soil, Sand, Bricks, Rod, Steel, Tin, Electric, Electronics companies
Idea of Mohammad Fasih-Ul Islam Shaiyan
Hello: 01864624644
Email: [email protected]
২৭ শে জুন, ২০২৪ রাত ১:০৯
সত্যপথিক শাইয়্যান বলেছেন:
আপনার সুচিন্তিত মতামতের জন্যে ধন্যবাদ নিরন্তর।
ইটস নট এবাউট ক্লোজিং অল লুপহোলস।
ইট ইজ একচুয়ালি এবাউট টেকিং ইনফো ফ্রম অল সোর্সেস টু বিল্ড দ্যা সফটঅয়্যার।
থ্যাংক ইউ সো মাচ!!!
©somewhere in net ltd.
১| ২৭ শে জুন, ২০২৪ রাত ১:০২
ঢাকার লোক বলেছেন: A. No. 5 A...... appears to be a repeat!
B. People also use black money to
1. purchase businesses
2. invest in businesses with relatives & friends
3. send money to foreign banks or purchase properties abroad
5. use for lobbying, bribing politicians & personnel in authority to gain personal benefits
It's essential to find ways to close all loopholes, Cash transaction, especially of large amount shall be restricted, must be though banks.
Anyway, thanks for the thought!