নির্বাচিত পোস্ট | লগইন | রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন | রিফ্রেস |
মানবতার জন্যই মানুষ, নষ্ট রাজনীতি আর ধর্মান্ধতার জন্য নহে
Experts say that there are no good governance and transparency among government organizations and contractors in implementing water resources and climate projects. It is not sustainable to prevent river erosion. In the absence of transparency in the implementation of the latest projects, the disaster in the haor (wetland) area came down.
Bangladesh is experiencing continuous climate adverse reactions as well as annihilated the funds allocated in it. Every year the displaced people are on the river banks, which are the obstacles to the United Nations declared sustainable development target (SDG) and the way in which the government is declared to be in middle-income country by 2041.
According to the data of Delta Coalition, comprising 12 delta including Bangladesh, Due to climate change, Bangladesh is facing the problem of flood, cyclone, drought, polluted water. By 2050 additional 14 percent of people will be victims of extreme natural disasters. About three and a half million people in coastal districts will be displaced. Delta Coalition recognizes that life management improves through water management.
The 12-member Delta Coalition Ministerial Conference was hold in Dhaka on 28th and 29th July. Where was discussed the coastal delta management, urban delta areas, delta economics. In addition, the alliance members discussed the development of sustainable development targets. At the same time there where was two more sessions on the Sherpa Conference and the Water Summit. Include local government ministries, water resources ministries, foreign ministries and other ministries and ministries and officials.
Before this session sources said, Contributing the risks of climate change in the delta conference, the life-time of the people of the coastal areas, fresh water in the cultivation, the supplementary food water management.
Along with this, the question of good governance and transparency will be raised in the delta protection project to achieve the United Nations declared sustainable development target (SDG). Apart from this, the member countries will also discuss the protection of coastal cities. The goal is to create prosperity by fighting with the nature.
About this, Joint Secretary of Water Resources Ministry Nuzhat Yasmin told, In the Delta Coalition Conference, Bangladesh and other member countries, including their opinion, In addition to promoting information exchange, advise and offer cooperative offers. Later, the technical team will submit their report to the ministry after reviewing these proposals and other issues. After that, effective action will be taken in those cases.
Delta Coalition's chair member Bangladesh. In addition to the delta countries Colombia, Egypt, France, Indonesia, Japan, Mozambique, Myanmar, South Korea, Netherlands, the Philippines and Vietnam are members of the organization.
Meanwhile, the issue of river erosion in front of the Delta Coalition conference has come forward. The river erosion is increasing day after day due to considerable allocation in this sector. Map of the country is lost somewhere somewhere. Portland Chittagong also can not be protected from erosion.
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