নির্বাচিত পোস্ট | লগইন | রেজিস্ট্রেশন করুন | রিফ্রেস |
সৃজনশীল লেখালেখি, গবেষণা ও সম্পাদনা
During the peintinye phaguna dhulojame
Calai personnel hands.
Mananera deraya rust sananora
Sickle until I wake up.
I need color sit jamine
Lost design illustration
Consciousness in the middle of the currents.
During phaguna
Black ranata to remove uncleanliness strong
Milai melody of songs exude confidence.
Flag preach the truth in ninrano urai
The splash throat sarabe
It declares victory
During phaguna
The purchase price of the blood of the mother language is Bengali for
I lost it touches each letter whether a
Whether it was a looter exotic robber.
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